The newest ep. Thanks for listening.
Robert’s favorite Metal documentary “Cannibal Corpse: Centuries of Torment” Email us use our Amazon link TalkingBirdcast on Istagram, YouTube and Twitter Nothing beats watching your favorite scary movies during the month of October. If you’re always on the hunt for a new Halloween favorite, here’s a few that aren’t the usual suspects. 1. “The Changeling” (1980). This movie is a moody, slow burn kind of film. There’s not a lot of “scares” per se, but the overall mood of the film elicits the right kind of creepy that is perfect for the Halloween Season. The thriller aspect of the story keeps the audience on the edge of their seat till the very end. 2. “The American Experience: The Donner Party” (1992). 3. “Ghostwatch” (1992) 4.”The Stone Tape” (1972) “Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983) “Solo: A Star Wars Story ™” the Star Wars movie that nobody asked for, but everyone has an opinion about. Robert & Sean break down the good, the bad and robosexual about the movie. Did Alden Erenreich meet fan expectation or will he be sitting next to Brandon Routh at “Moldy Comicon ’20”? Are Star Wars fans their own worst enemies? What you thought about L3-37 and what that means about you. Does Solo’s poor box office mean the beginning of the end for Kathleen Kennedy at Lucasfilm? And much more. Language and opinions ahead. Thanks for listening. Drop us a line Please subscribe to the Talking Bird YouTube Channel.
The Arnold Schwarzenegger retrospective continues. Sean & Robert break down Arnold’s classic 80’s action movies, “Commando”(1985), “Raw Deal”(1986), and “Predator”(1987)
Drop us a line Austrian Death Machine “Get to the Choppa”
The first episode of our Arnold Schwarzenegger retrospective finds the Bird Dudes talking about his early “Fantasy” films including “Conan The Barbarian”, “Conan the Destroyer”, and “Red Sonja”. A fun time was had by all, but the dudes are looking forward to part 2, where we cover some of Arnold’s action classics. Thanks for listening.
For those interested in Robert’s reference to the UK TV program, “Man to Man w/ Dean Learner”, here’s the link |
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